Welcome to Word Truth Freedom!

 Good afternoon readers.  Today I am starting a new journey based on John 8: 31-32 where Jesus is saying to the Jews who believed in him, "If you continue in my Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."  We all desire freedom.  Jesus seems to make it a simple recipe. Continue in my Word to know the truth which makes us free.  But is it that simple?  It isn't always easy to continue in his word.  Therefore, I am challenging myself to stay in His Word by reading the One Year Bible daily, ponder what He is saying, and post truth from His Word to help not only myself walk in freedom but encourage others who also believe to walk in freedom. 

 I invite you to also read with me, ponder daily and post your own insights for us to share with each other and encourage each other in our walk with Jesus.  We are to spur one another on and continue to build up the body of Christ.  I am hoping this is one way we can engage with the Word of God and each other to seek Truth and Freedom that only comes from the Word of God.  

My intention is for believers to have a space to express what he or she is learning from the Word of God that is revelatory in nature.  What is speaking to you today as a Truth you've never seen or heard before? What is the Holy Spirit revealing to our hearts that will lead us to walking closer with Jesus and more like a disciple than a bystander? What is tugging at our conscience that makes me want to change and how do I begin to surrender to His Truth and His Will?  These are the types of responses and messages I want to explore with you and with Jesus through His Holy Spirit.  

Please join me on this journey.  I will hope to publish often, weekly is my personal goal, it may be more, it may be less, but you are welcome to join as you wish as well.

Setting my sights above,

Dr. K


  1. I would Love to Join You on this Journey. Is there anything I need to do?

  2. Hey Linda, Thanks for the response. No, I think all you need to do is read and comment on the blogs. I appreciate your participation!

  3. I love this idea! May were all learn and grow together through this!


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