The Kingdom of Heaven
What is the kingdom of heaven like? Jesus uses many similes to compare the likeness of the kingdom. Like what and tares growing together. Like a mustard seed growing into a tree. Like a bit of leven making the entire dough rise. Like a treasure found in a field and the field was purchased with everything he had. Here's what it makes me think of: We can't really tell until we grow who's wheat and who's tares but the tares aren't for us to worry about... could it be that by being with us they can still be saved? The Kingdom provides a safe place to nest and shelter like a tree that started from something very doesn't take much to love. The Kingdom effects everything and everyone around us. Like leven. And, when we discover the kingdom, and taste of the Lord and know that he is good, we are willing to give up everything to become a part of it. It is the most valuable thing we have ever experienced. Those are my musings for this week. Anxious to hear w...